What Happens When You Are Caught With Drugs

People have always been told to never start taking drugs because most people become addicted to it the more that they try it. If you are caught with drugs, even if you are not taking any, you are at risk of acquiring a criminal record. Having a criminal record can tarnish your reputation and eventually lead you to a downward spiral that will be hard to get out of. It will be harder for you to look for a nice paying job. It will also be harder for you to get the trust of other people because they may refer to you as that “addict” or “pusher” that they do not want to become associated with.

It is important that you will understand your legal rights so that you will know what to do. Admittedly, it will be hard to react with all the events that has happened since your arrest. If you have been arrested because of the possession of drugs or you were caught selling them, here are some things your Toronto criminal lawyer will tell you:

  1. You should try to remain silent. You will be asked a lot of questions and it is likely that the police will try to intimidate you so you will start to speak up but you have the right to remain silent and this is how you should be until your Toronto criminal defence lawyer arrives.
  2. If in case the police are wrong and you were only at the wrong place at the wrong time, you need to search for witnesses that will prove that you were not doing any drugs and you were not trying to sell drugs. Jeffrey Drug Lawyer Toronto will be in charge of getting the names and addresses of the witnesses as well as their signatures on their blow by blow narration of the event.
  3. You need to understand the charges that are filed against you. This will be hard to do when you are only at the police station and they will not allow you to go out but if you would be allowed to post bail, you can research and learn more about what charges may be filed against you and what you can do in order to lessen the gravity of your case.
  4. Remember that there are different degrees of drug charges that are available. The lower the degree, the more serious your case is. With first degree drug charges, you can expect to pay a lot of money and you may have to spend 30 years in jail. You also have to familiarize yourself with the other processes that you will go through aside from possible jail time. You may undergo probation, parole and community service.

One tip to remember about the whole thing is that you should never implicate yourself further. You may think that by talking, you can possibly lessen the charges against you but anything that you say will be recorded and the things that you say will make it harder for your criminal lawyer Toronto to defend you. Remember that aside from drug charges, the things that you may have done while high on drugs will also make your case graver.