How Long Does A Driving Record Background Check Take?

How Long Does A Driving Record Background Check Take?

Whether you own a logistics company or you manage a fleet of company cars, you want to make sure your drivers have a clean record. A driving record background check is essential to perform on every one of your employees. Any traffic violations, tickets, or accidents will appear on this driving record.

While checking the driver’s background matters, employers may be concerned with the difficulty in this. There are many inconvenient ways to perform a background check, and time is money, especially concerning your own business.

However, not every method is unwieldy, and we shall list the best ones below.

Driving Record Background Check Online

A public records database can be an excellent tool when performing a background check. There are some amazingly convenient ones out there, with incredible ease of use.

A great example is SpyFly. It’s a service that allows you to perform a full background check and can get information into your hands in minutes. Information like driver’s records, active arrest warrants, and criminal charges.

When conducting a background check online, you may be concerned about privacy. Luckily, SpyFly is entirely anonymous. It does not log a user’s ID, nor does it notify the individual that a check has been performed on them. When trying to research someone new in your life, this can be a valuable tool for secrecy.

Contacting The Department Of Motor Vehicles(DMV)

Your state DMV likely possesses many ways to perform a driver’s record check. They may have an automated phone service or a website. Even a kiosk within their building can help you with your records check. However, keep in mind that the DMV is, well, the DMV. They’re infamously slow, and while they may have more convenient options available, they may be overloaded, as many government services are.

In addition, a service fee will be attached and will cost extra when using a card.

Request A Driving Record From An Insurance Company

To enable correctly priced insurance, insurance agencies keep track of their client’s driving record. However, they are not required to dispense this information by request, and it would be considered a favor. This can take some time because of this. If the agent is overloaded with work, then they might not get to your request for days, if ever.  Moreover, some agencies will use the DMV for driver’s record checks, which will circle you back to them as a resource.

Clearly, services like SpyFly are the way to go. They’re fast, convenient, and efficient. We recommend you give it a try, should you need to perform any kind of background check on someone.

SpyFly provides consumers affordable, immediate access to public record information. Federal laws prohibit businesses from using SpyFly’s service to make decisions about employment, insurance, consumer credit, tenant screening, or for any other purpose subject to the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 USC 1681 et seq.